Bright Days, Brilliant Gifts!
Published Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Spring! The sun is out, the daffodils are starting to bloom, and the balloon animal bunnies are exploring the greening world. And we're exploring gift ideas for big kids and grown-ups. We know what you're looking for... Items that are a little funky, a lot of fun, and not what you'd expect. Read on for some of our top picks!
Amahi Ukuleles

We have a fresh selection of woods, colors, and painted lovelies to choose from!
LAVA Lamps

Groovy lighting with a mellow glow. They were hip in the 60's and totally rad in the 80's. Today, they're timeless and certified fresh!
Buddha Boards

Express the moment and embrace the art of letting go! Paint with water and watch as your work of art slowly fades away.
Amahi Banjo Ukulele
Arriving Soon!

Plays like a ukulele, has the voice of a banjo! The banjolele (aka banjo uke, banjelele, or banjulele) is a rootsy, down-home, slice of Vaudevillian Americana that is a fun addition to your musical adventures.
A Message from Shawnta', Toy Store Owner:
"Y'all Come Play Now, Ya Hear?"

Beard sold separately