Happiness is Here!
Published Wednesday, July 10, 2019
Book Signing and Musical Event
Aug. 3rd from 1-3pm
at Happy Up Clayton
Happiness, and the search for it, drives the plot in all sorts of books, movies, plays, and operas. It's so important, it's enshrined in the Declaration of Independence. We're betting the founding fathers didn't quite picture it the way local author Andy Dykeman does.
In Andy's vision, Happiness is a floofy and illusive cat that leads her little girl on a hunt to discover ... happiness. Illustrated by Kris Wright, Happiness is a charming little book to read (and re-read) with your favorite kiddos.
Andy Dykeman will appear at Happy Up in Clayton on Aug. 3rd, starting at 1pm. He's bringing along special musical guest Doug Raffety from Judge Nothing.
If you can't make it to our event, Andy and Doug will be just down the street from us at Craft Beer Cellar from 6-8pm.
Map and store hours on our locations page:
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