Kindermusik Playdates with Ellen Singh
Published Thursday, February 15, 2018
Ellen Singh is a licensed Kindermusik instructor and has been leading the playdates at our Edwardsville store for many years now. She also teaches Kindermusik classes. For more information about her and the different classes she is offering, visit her blog or her facebook page.
What is a Kindermusik Playdate?
It's a structured musical playtime featuring a particular theme. Children and their parents get to clap, stomp, sing, dance, pretend, and discover their musical selves. Playdates are about 30 minutes long and are open to any child, birth to age 5.
Like all Kindermusik classes, the playdates are designed to promote a child's mental and physical development.
What a Parent and Child Will Experience in Class
For babies, toddlers, and preschool children with their parents, a playdate class provides a delightful environment unlike any other. Through a unique blend of multi-age activities that include creative movement, vocal play, object and instrument exploration, and a colorful literature component, a playdate offers all the benefits of a regular Kindermusik class. Designed for a wide variety of ages and abilities, all families will enjoy these activities!
Variety of Music
Musical diversity builds strong neural networks in the brains of all children. Kindermusic classes use music featuring a wide variety of styles, sounds, and genres.
Instrument Play
Age-appropriate experiences with child-safe instruments enhance a sense of rhythm and steady beat. Children will develop a keen awareness of the distinguishing qualities of sound, and the class experience will encourage spontaneity and creativity.
A classroom full of children and their adults get a chance to get moving. Dancing together helps a little body develop the muscle strength needed to crawl and walk, introduces social skills in a fun way for toddlers, and challenges preschoolers to remember steps in sequencing. It is great for all of us to let loose and let the music move us. Dancing helps us all to fall in love with the simple joy of responding to music.
Together Time
A Kindermusik class is truly the essence of quality time, offering parents and other caregivers a place to create special memories with their child/ren. Caregivers will also gain new insights into their child’s development and ways to nurture a natural love of music in their family.
Expert Advice
A Kindermusik Educator explains each activity and how it enhances a child’s complete development. Caregivers are also shown what cues to watch for and ways to promote their child’s growth.
Learning Continues at Home
With the Home Materials, the learning continues at home with the child‘s best teacher—the parent!
Sound like fun? It is! You can find the schedule and the registration form is on our events page.
Events at Happy Up