Make Your Gifts &/or Gifts For Makers
Published Monday, December 2, 2019
Handmade = Heartfelt
Handmade gifts get a bad rap. Sure, your kid’s art may not be ready for the Museum of Modern Art. But it is definitely ready for a frame and a spot on Grandpa’s wall. Their jewelry designs may not grace the wrists of starlets at the Emmys, but the sure look fierce on Auntie. And cookies, even if they aren't perfectly iced, are always welcome!
Being a maker is a process. It’s about getting inspired and then trying and practicing and working and playing with the idea. And trying again.
These art and craft kits will get your children working their creativity. And the outcomes may be perfect to wrap up with a bow. Or maybe the kits and sets are the perfect gift to keep your little makers busy over winter break. Or maybe it’s both!
Handstand Kitchen Baking Sets
6 yrs & up
Amazing things happen when you get the kids into the kitchen. These sets from Handstand Kitchen feature kid-sized baking tools that really deliver. So make some time and make something delicious!
Kid Made Modern Kits
6 - 8 yrs & up
We love Kid Made Modern. These kits give just enough instruction to get the ball rolling. They know your little ones will take it and run. Some kits have enough supplies for one project. Others have enough to keep them crafting all winter long!
Ultimate Friendship Bracelet Party
8 yrs & up
Friendship bracelets are never out of style. This kit has all the supplies you need. Plus three looms that will get little fingers weaving bracelets lickety-split. Have your own embroidery floss and beads? Invite them to the party, too!
Perfect Craft Plaster Kits
8 yrs & up
(younger with grown-up help!)
3d, sculptural, and completely customizable! These kits from Perfect Craft will get you and your kids learning all about molding and working with plaster. We’ve used the Memory Stone kit as part of our Create It • Make It • Take It™ summer workshops. We’ve loved the results. The other kits are just as good!
Tell Your Story Bracelets
8 yrs & up
Single or stacked, these bracelets are a wordy wonder. The kit has more than 800 beads in three styles of alphabets, plus other “spacer” style beads. Declare your story to the world!
As usual, more craft and art items are in stock than we can highlight here. Stop in soon to find the perfect creative outlets for your little ones!