Play on Heavy Repeat!
Published Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Tonies have Arrived!!
We Love This New Audio System for Kids!
Sooo excited!! These kid-friendly speakers and figures are simple to use and understand. We can’t believe it’s taken this long for someone to invent them!
The Tonie figures hold the content, either pre-recorded or your own (more about that in a sec). The bottom of each figure is magnetic. Place it on the Toniebox speaker, and a connection is established and the content plays. No pairing, no fuss, nothing a pre-k kiddo can’t manage by themselves!
And if they want to change what they’re listening to? Tap the side of the Toniebox to advance to the next track. Or change the Tonie figure for another Tonie. It’s that simple. And the Tonie figures are just adorable.
We love that the entire system is self contained. No microphone, no connection to the web, no security or privacy concerns. Once you set up the Toniebox and the Tonies through the app, no wi-fi is needed!
Watch their video to see & hear them in action:
Tonies and Tonieboxes are designed for children 3 yrs and up to be able to use independently. Of course, younger children can enjoy listening, they’ll just need help from their grown ups.
All About the Toniebox

Toniebox speakers are covered in a wipeable fabric. They have 7 hours of battery life and come with a charging station. The little “ears” control the volume, although in the app, parents can set a maximum volume. They also have a headphone jack!
The App:

It’s a free download in the App Store or on Google Play. Set up the Toniebox, connect the Tonies, and it’s ready to go. If you’re recording, the instructions are simple to understand, and you can grant others permission to record to your Creative Tonies.
We love that you can capture family voices in a way that children can listen on their own, as often as they want!
Creative Tonies:

These little figures can hold 90 minutes of content. Using the app, you upload podcasts, albums, whatever. Or (here’s the best part!) record your own!
And because you record through an app, loved ones that are far away (or socially distanced) can record, too. You organize the tracks and pair them to the Creative Tonie.
Your little one can take it from there!
Content Tonies

You'll want to build an entire library of Tonies!
Each one is an adorable hand-painted figurine. The titles include Disney movie novelizations, favorite story books, classic tales, and cherished childhood songs.