Spotlight On: Kid Made Modern
Published Wednesday, August 18, 2021Over the years, we’ve discovered that some really creative kids don't enjoy crafting. And one of the stumbling blocks can be boiled down to how the kids approach the experience. It seems these kids fall into one of these groups:
- The kids who want it to look exactly like the picture when they’re done and get frustrated because it doesn't.
- The kids who have their own ideas and get frustrated that the kit only has supplies for the perfect picture.
- The kids who want to go further, want to create more, don’t want to have a one-off experience., but are stumped by limited supplies.
Enter Kid Made Modern.

These art and craft kits aren’t for every child. But they are for the ones in those categories we just listed!
Kid Made Modern believes in giving kids the supplies they need and getting out of the way. They offer ideas, prompts, and nudges, trusting the child to find their own creative impulses and learn through the process.
So for the groups we mentioned?
- With small hints and nudges, a child’s artistic vision can freely grow and evolve with their abilities.
- No perfect pictures, so no frustration, and every creation can be wonderfully unique!
- Kid Made Modern kits and sets have loads of supplies geared toward open ended boundless creativity.
And when you add in some of your own materials like paper towel tubes, dry pasta, glitter glue, etc, your grumbly crafters will find their maker spirit!
Arts & Crafts
Perfect to keep young creatives busy for hours... or days! And the boxes are super sturdy, perfect to keep all their supplies organized and tidy.

Arts & Crafts Library
8 yrs & up

Rainbow Craft Kit
6 yrs & up

STEAM Fuzzy Stick Sculpture Set
3 yrs & up
Arriving Soon!

Painting Essentials
6 yrs & up

Studio in a Box
6 yrs & up
Who wants a little flash and sparkle from a necklace or bracelet? We do! These sets of beads and supplies will get youngsters on the road to making wearable art!
Paper Mache
No goopy paste. No waiting for layers to dry. These kits come with the shapes ready for you to paint and decorate!
My First Kits
Arriving Soon
We love craft projects for little kids! These sets are great to encourage your tot's creativity. Plus they can help develop fine motor skills and problem solving abilities.

My First Arts & Crafts
3 yrs & up

My First Painting Collection
3 yrs & up

My First Jewelry Kit
3 yrs & up

My First Letters & Numbers
3 yrs & up