Thanksgiving = The Family Game Time
Published Thursday, November 15, 2018
Thanksgiving traditions vary from family to family. Some eat their feast and then crash on the couch to watch football. Others decorate for the Holidays. And then there are those of you who clear the table and get out the games!
Here at the Happy Up stores, we firmly believe that playing games is one of the best ways to spend time together any time of the year. With older children and teens, you can open up lines of communication and strengthen your relationships. With younger children, games are a perfect way to build skills and reinforce what is happening in their classrooms. When your games go multi-generational, you're creating shared memories that will last a lifetime.
Beyond being good for your family, an afternoon or evening of playing games with friends is good for you. It's social. It stretches your mind and gets you thinking creatively. It can break you out of your work-home-work-home rut, which helps to relieve stress and improve your overall mood. So, while we think you should play with your family, we also think you need to gather your friends and get playing!
Click the pictures below for detailed info on each of the games. And if you don't see something that interests you, stop by one of the stores. We've got oodles more on our shelves!
A Smattering of Happy Up's Favorite Games:
Games for the Youngest Gamers
Game time with little ones should not be torture for the family. We pinky swear you'll enjoy playing these!

A colorful snake building game
2 - 5 players, ages 4 and up

Magnetic stack 'em up game
2 - 6 players, ages 5 and up
(stock may be limited, more are on their way!)

Chill Out!
A fast playing dice and ice game
2 - 4 players, ages 5 and up

Gnomes at Night
Work as a team and navigate the maze!
2 - 4 players, ages 6 and up
Games for the Whole Family
These are fun for just about everyone. Easy enough your elementary aged kiddos can play, and engaging enough your teenagers will join in, too!

Magic Maze
Cooperative timed maze game. The tricky bit? There's no talking!
1 - 8 players, ages 8 and up

Trash Pandas
Collect treasure, er, trash, in this raucous racoon game!
2 - 4 players, ages 8 and up

Potato Pirates
Strategic game of carbs and coding!
3 - 6 players, ages 7 and up

Shadows in the Forest
Hide in the shadows to win!
2 or more players, ages 8 and up
Gamer Games for Older Kids and Grown Ups
These are high-concept, long playing games. Perfect for your serious gamers.

Forbidden Sky
Work together to escape!
2 - 5 players, ages 10 and up

Pandemic Legacy
Find a cure... before it's too late!
2 - 4 players, ages 13 and up

A Ghostly and Cooperative Murder Mystery
2 - 7 players, ages 10 and up

The Quest for El Dorado
Search for the Golden City... If you dare!
2 - 4 players, ages 10 and up
Casual Games for Older Kids and Grown Ups
Clever, tricky, and engaging, these games will make you think!

Hint and nudge your fellow players
2 - 4 players, ages 10 and up

Spy vs Spy word association game
2 - 8 players, ages 10 and up
(original Codenames on order, other versions available!)
Perennial Favorite Party Games
We've been suggesting these for a while now... And there's good reason!

Tenzi, Slapzi, and Itzi
Quick playing games for a few or a crowd!

Anomia Games
Anomia (n) : a disorder where it's hard to remember the names of things. Also a devilishly tricky games for wordy people.
Invite Harry Potter to your game night!

We have quite the collection of Harry Potter themed games in stock!