You're Invited to Neighborhood Toy Store Day 2019
Published Tuesday, October 15, 2019November 9th from 11am - 3pm
at both Happy Up locations!

Imagination and play isn't just for children. It's for everyone. It's how we create art and music and invent new things. Imagination is how problems are solved. Imagination is where hope comes from.
The funny thing about imagination and creativity, it needs fuel. It must be fed. Just like you need healthy food and exercise to build muscles, imagination needs time and the chance to play. And a few good toys and games!

On November 9th, ASTRA (American Specialty Toy Retailing Association) member stores across the country will be celebrating the importance of play. Join us!
And just imagine what could happen if everyone stopped taking things so seriously and played.
Neighborhood Toy Store Day Activities
Shop and Win!*

When you make a purchase on Neighborhood Toy Store Day, you’ll be entered in a drawing. One lucky customer at each store will win a $100 gift certificate! We'll also give away $50 and $25 in toy store cash!
We'll have other gifts and give-aways, while supplies last!
*one entry per customer
Wish Lists!

Help the kiddos fill out their Holiday Wish List. We’ll keep it on file so your gift shopping will be a breeze!
Toy Testing!

We’ll have loads of items out of their boxes and ready for you to try!
Demo Games!

Get a chance to see and play some of the best games on the planet!
Holiday Ornament Stations!*

Make and take your very own holiday ornament!
*while supplies last